Marshfield Area United Way Presents Campaign Awards to Festival Foods, Local Partners

Festival Foods was recognized for its participation in the 2019 annual campaign. Marshfield Area United Way photo.

Area Partners Recognized for Participation in Annual Campaign

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Marshfield Area United Way is recognizing its area partners who make an impact on the community by participating in its annual campaign.

Festival Foods was presented the Community Vision Award for raising over $10,000 for the annual campaign. It was also recognized with the 2019 Participation for Large Business award.

“Their store has more than 250 employees and they achieved 73 percent participation for the 2019 United Way Campaign,” said Executive Director Ashley Winch, United Way. “This is significant and shows that, as a team, they truly care for our community.”

Festival Foods associates are given the option to enroll in a payroll deduction charity program for United Way as an easy and effective way to give back.

“We talk about the fact that we can’t do business without our community members shopping with us, so what ways can we give back to the community to help the community? One of the ways is through United Way,” said Nic Lotzer, HR Manager. “As a company we give to the United Way. We feel offering that same opportunity for our associates is the least we can do to show them what giving is and also show them how it impacts the community. Even if it’s 50 cents a pay period, that adds up.”

Marshfield Area United Way will continue to recognize more local partners in the coming weeks.

2019 Volunteer of the Year, Al Michalski. Marshfield Area United Way.

Forward Bank was presented with three awards, including Large Business 2019 Campaign of the Year, Increased Giving Award, and the Community Vision Award for raising over $25,000 for the United Way annual campaign.

Mason Companies was recognized with a New Partner Award. Staab Construction received the Increased Participation Award for Medium Business for increasing its participation by 76 percent, and the Community Vision Award for raising $29,000.

Simplicity Credit Union is a 2019 Community Partner for assisting with the annual campaign video, volunteering for the NOW program and Make a Difference Day, and its support for special events. It’s also the recipient of the Campaign of the Year for Medium Business and a Community Vision Award for raising over $17,000.

United Way board member Al Michalski was recognized as the 2019 Volunteer of the Year.

For more information about the annual campaign or to donate, visit

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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