Covid Treatment Advocate Video Goes Viral

Thomas Young and family

Covid Treatment Advocate’s Family Shares Story of Covid Protocol at Marshfield Medical Center

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – When Allison Lundeen’s father, Thomas Young, was diagnosed with COVID, she felt as prepared as she could be. The Mosinee native had been researching different treatment methods for more than a year and was confident in her parents’ decision to choose Marshfield Medical Center for their care.

What she and her family experienced during her father’s illness was unfortunately far from expectations.

(Editor’s Note: Special Thanks to all who reached out to ask about this video and for us to follow up on Allison’s story. Anyone wanting to share their story is welcome to reach out! We welcome all stories and aim to provide a platform to those hoping to share their experiences.)

Lundeen shared her story via social media in a post that as of publication time has reached more than 5 million people (on various platforms). An abbreviated version can also be read on her blog, here:


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A post shared by Allison Lundeen (@prvbsgirl2)

For Lundeen, her father’s experience confirmed what she had been reading play out at hospitals nationwide.

“We had the whole protocol, we just never thought we wouldn’t have a voice in our own health care. That’s when it got really scary, real fast,” said Lundeen. “On top of that, they just laughed at us and gave us no reason for it. We became the stories we’d been hearing about. I didn’t think it would happen in Marshfield, WI.”

“About a year ago, I started digging into other news sources because I found it fascinating that media was completely silencing and censoring a whole narrative,” she said. “The power that these people have to run a narrative is extreme and they can silence who they want to. I wanted to know why and in my research I found a whole wealth of information. Most all of it was proactive treatment for this disease, instead of what the media and CDC are preaching – which is reactive.”

“Like in the case of my dad, it was ‘Wait until you get sicker and if you do, come straight to the ER,'” she said.

Her dad had a valid prescription for Ivermectin, something she said the family had to fight for in order to have administered. At one point during his hospitalization, doctors told Lundeen’s family that Thomas was at death’s door and unlikely to survive. At this point, the family requested Ivermectin once again.

“He’s dying at that point – why are they still putting up this block when he’s dying?” said Lundeen. “They were denying us to use the legal prescription we had for my dad, denying him access to his prescription with no explanation. When we asked for data or what medications would interfere or be harmful for him, we did not receive one piece of data. They couldn’t give us an explanation, they just denied it. That was the very frustrating part.”

“We weren’t asking for a protocol that no one has ever tried. We would never have expected the doctors to heed our demands if that were the case. But, we know hospitals are using this protocol, we know of a huge list of doctors using this protocol. FDA approved Ivermectin many years ago. We weren’t asking for some experimental drug. We weren’t even asking them to stop their treatment,” she added.

From this experience, Lundeen said she realized a greater issue at play.

“All doctors and nurses know is it’s ‘horse medicine’ because that’s what the media is saying. Not one of them understood how it works, that doctors worldwide are using this drug,” she said. “I’m not the professional, but I’ve researched this piece of medicine more than they have. They were all working very hard and I know they don’t have a lot of time, but they don’t even want to learn what is having success for other doctors and it’s because these other doctors are being silenced.”

“This is big pharma at work,” she said. “You can see how when you connect money and pharma and hospitals, how that impacts care.”

“They make you feel very stupid for asking,” she said. “I asked point blank to show me the data that Ivermectin is ineffective and the doctor said ‘I can’t do that.’ If you’re going to tell me that and show me no data, then I know that’s what they’ve been programmed to say.”

“It was like ‘we’ve entered the nightmare,'” she said.

Lundeen hopes that by sharing her father’s story, people are inspired to start questioning what’s happening around them and to do their own research beyond the social media and mainstream narrative.

“So many people have no idea what’s going on. Start questioning. Question why they are silencing people with a different narrative. Start looking into alternative options and proactive treatment. There are so many different measures that you can do,” she said.

For doctors, Lundeen encourages listening, researching, and speaking up.

“Start listening to your patients. I know doctors don’t have much time, but there are things that are more successful out there and it’s worth looking into,” she said. “I’m not trying to divide. It’s not ‘us vs them’. I’m just trying to say ‘start questioning everything’ and ‘don’t blindly trust.'”

She also encourages people to share their stories and keep sharing them even when censored.

“I just started looking into it one day and realized that I was seeing one narrative played out and the media silencing a whole other narrative,” she said.

Lundeen said the one message she hopes to communicate above all else is, “We are not bitter. We are not angry because our hope is not in their world. My dad was never fearful because he knew he was going to heaven. We all face death one day and the biggest peace is knowing where you’re gonna go when you die. And that is the thing I’ve been preaching. I want people to live a long healthy life, but we’re all going to reach that day when we’re going to die. Even through this nightmare, there is hope for every single person because of Jesus.”

Find her blog:

Marshfield Medical Center issued the following statement in response to a request for comment on the Covid protocol at the Marshfield Medical Center and if the administration supports the bedside care of the physicians in the unit:

“We offer condolences to the family for their tremendous loss. Marshfield Clinic Health System is committed to providing excellent and compassionate care to all patients.”

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Author: News Desk

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