Board of Public Works to Study Heavy Truck Restrictions on South Central Ave.


City Communicates OnFocus – The Board of Public Works is looking for more information on Heavy Truck Traffic on South Central Ave in the Downtown area in response to a report from a Pedestrian Safety Team.

“Last spring into summer, the downtown pedestrian team met three or four times. One of the five recommendations that they brought forward to the Board of Public Works, and ultimately the Council, called for trying to get truck traffic off of Central Avenue going through downtown,” said City Administrator Steve Barg. “The main reason was just the fact that it is somewhat unappealing to be going downtown to shop, eat, or check out the stores and have 18-wheelers going through, and the loud noises and industrial feel that type of traffic tends to bring.”

“I would invite those business owners affected by the ordinance to a meeting sometime soon,” said Barg. “I would also invite the general public, people who might want to give comments for or against a downtown truck ordinance restriction a chance to come to the podium and talk, and give some input and feedback into this issue.”

“Let’s find out how many trucks we were talking about before we start meeting with people I mean let’s get our facts first and then go from there,” said Board Chairman Tom Buttke.

“We would have the ability to put out tube counters,” said City Engineer Tom Turchi. “We own tube counters that would give us a truck count, a breakdown of the number of axles on these vehicles and percentage.”

The board authorized Turchi to put the counters out and they are looking to have the information from the counters at the next Board of Public Works meeting on July 2n​ d​ at 5:30 at City Hall Plaza.

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Author: News Desk