Merit Electric Hosts Creative Carryout Fundraiser for Shirley’s House of Hope

Mike O'Reilly (Merit Electric) and Julie Cravillion (Shirley's House of Hope)

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the area, the Marshfield community has found creative ways to support local businesses and nonprofits. Last Monday, Merit Electric Service shared via Facebook that they would be donating $2.50 for every carryout meal ordered from Melody Gardens Restaurant on Wednesday, April 8.

“Merit Electric Service is doing a promotion to benefit Shirley’s House of Hope this week…Please make it a point of ordering carryout and we will be donating for every meal they sell that day,” the post said. “You will not only be supporting a great committed local business but also supporting a local shelter for women & children in need. Please mark your calendars!”

The response was overwhelming, with more than $700 raised for the local domestic violence shelter.

“Merit Electric Service was able to raise $620.00 through our drive but there was additional funds of $130.00 donated directly through the community to equate to a total of $750.00 dollars,” said Mike O’Reilly, Merit Electric Service. “Merit Electric Service has donated to Shirley’s House of Hope in the past and it just seemed that if we were already going to be supporting Shirley’s we could come up with a way to help out a local restaurant during these trying times.”

Supporting a local nonprofit while also helping a small local restaurant seemed like a no-brainer to O’Reilly, who encourages other businesses to do the same if they are able.

“Shirley’s is a reputable organization providing a much needed service to our community,” he added. “Melody Gardens is an icon in Marshfield. They have a wonderful family-owned business that strives hard to serve great homemade meals at a very reasonable price. Their homemade ice cream rocks too!”

For O’Reilly, the experience was rewarding and he hopes it inspires the community and reminds everyone that better times are ahead.

“The best part of this experience for me was watching the community show such great support for both Melody Gardens & Shirley’s House of Hope,” he said. “We are all going through some trying times right now and the way people showed their local support reinforces how proud I am to be from Marshfield.”

“I would just like to thank all of you who participated in and supported this effort and remind everyone to keep your local businesses and charities in your thoughts and prayers every day,” he added. “We will make it through this and if we stick together and support each other we will be stronger than we ever thought possible.”

Mike and wife, Lisa, with Melody Gardens’ owners Margie and Dennis
Breanna Butler
Author: Breanna Butler

Breanna Butler is an award-winning multimedia producer born and raised in Central Wisconsin. She enjoys exploring and writing about the community. She lives in Marshfield with her husband and furry family.