Economic Development Board Reduces Funding to Chamber Foundation


At Thursday’s meeting of the Economic Development Board, members voted regarding the business development affairs of Marshfield Area Chamber Foundation.

In the 2019 budget proposal, Marshfield Area Chamber Foundation (MACCI) requested $67,000 for the Business Development Director position, support for that position, marketing for a new economic development website, and workforce development. This would have been a reduction of $6,000 from 2018.

After the discussion, members voted to support just $48,000 of funding.

“These funds aren’t used by MACCI, the funds are paid to the Chamber Foundation as reimbursement for specified economic development services provided by the Business Development Director position,” explained MACCI Executive Director Scott Larson. “Since these funds are paid to the Chamber Foundation as reimbursement for specified economic development services, the impact is incurred by the Chamber Foundation.”

According to Larson, as part of the Chamber Foundation’s economic development mission, entrepreneurs and businesses alike, are offered an array of development services including but not limited to:

  • Entrepreneurial mentoring and counseling
  • Community marketing and promotion assistance.
  • Business retentions and recruitment services.
  • Promotion of and access to statewide databases of available properties.
  • Access to workforce development programming.
  • Access to business training services.

“The Chamber Foundation and the Chamber continue to work with its economic development partners, like the EDB, Main Street Marshfield and Marshfield Convention & Visitors Bureau to continue to provide effective economic growth initiatives in Marshfield,” said Larson.

“As part of that strong partnership, there was a predetermined arrangement between the Chamber Foundation and the EDB for the EDB to utilize 50% of the Business Development Director’s time, the action taken by the EDB is in-line with said arrangement and is consistent with operational plans for 2019,” he added. “We look forward to working together to continue to grow Marshfield.”

See the full board packet: EDB Packet

News Desk
Author: News Desk