City of Marshfield Reminds that Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal is Mandatory


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Owners of property abutting or containing public sidewalks, curb ramps, and outwalks, referred to as “sidewalks,” shall be responsible for maintaining such sidewalks free from snow and ice accumulations at all times. They’re responsible for removing all snow and ice accumulations from the entire paved width and length of such sidewalks within 48 hours after snow or ice has fallen or accumulated thereon. In the case of drifting snow or ice accumulating due to melting and refreezing, such owners shall keep all sidewalks sprinkled with sand or salt, and no accumulation of ice or snow shall be permitted to continue for more than 48 hours.

If any owner doesn’t comply, the street superintendent or his designee may arrange for prompt removal or treatment of the accumulations of ice or snow. It may repeat removal or treatment procedures as often as necessary to maintain such sidewalks safely and in usable condition.

Any costs and expenses of such removal or treatment shall be charged to the owner. The minimum charge for ice and snow removal and treatment shall be $75.00 for any parcel containing not more than 200 feet of sidewalk length, $90.00 for any parcel containing more than 200 feet of sidewalk length, and an additional $25.00 for each curb ramp or outwalk, plus administrative charges as established by the street superintendent. The minimum ice and snow removal charge shall be $300 plus one administrative charge for four or more contiguous vacant lots under the same ownership.

If you see a violation of this ordinance, please file a concern here. Also, ensure you provide a physical address of the location so the staff can locate the property with a snow/ice violation.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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