Central Fire & EMS Participates in Mock-Crash Scenario for Graduating Seniors


Responders Stage Mock Crash Scenario

Photos by Lenora Mueller and Kim Robida

Central Fire & EMS District participated in a mock drunk driving accident for graduating seniors at Colby High School on Thursday, designed to show students the realities of making poor decisions.

The event is organized annually through the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) program. The Colby-Abbotsford Police Department, Spirit helicopter crew, and Maurina-Schilling Funeral home also took part.

In the scenario, a drunk driver has collided with another vehicle, causing severe injury to the other driver and killing a passenger. Units respond similarly to how they would in a real accident.

“We try to make it real as we can,” said Lyn Mueller, Firefighter/EMS. “It does happen every day. It takes us hours to set this up, but it takes a second for an accident to happen. We want them to have the best and safest graduation.”

The driver, a student made to look like an accident victim, is removed from the vehicle with the Jaws of Life and is then flown away in the Spirit helicopter. The “deceased” passenger, who had not worn a seatbelt, is respectfully placed in a body bag and handed over to the funeral home. The drunk driver is put through a sobriety test by the police and arrested.

“We play it out just like a real scene,” said Mueller.

Following the procedure, students gather in the auditorium to listen to the death announcement, view pictures of real accidents, and discuss how to avoid meeting the same fate.

“If you need a ride, give us a call, give somebody a call. Have that pact with your parents, your grandparents, whoever’s raising you,” she said. “Do not get in a car with somebody who’s been drinking.”

Whether it’s a large fine, jail time, or death, students walk away with a better understanding of the consequences of driving drunk or distracted as they head into the next phase of their lives.

“This is your time. It’s a new adventure out there,” said Mueller. “Be safe.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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