April 11 Common Council Meeting Preview


Council Preview- What to Expect at Tuesday’s Meeting

With the City of Marshfield Common Council’s next meeting on Tuesday, April 11, City Administrator Steve Barg outlines what to expect. Previewing the agenda with him is WDLB’s Mike Warren, host of Council Preview on Marshfield Community Television (MCTV).

Expected Highlights for Tuesday’s Meeting:

City Hall Purchase
In the City’s agreement for the sale of City Hall to Gorman & Company, one contingency is Gorman receiving a Historic Tax Credit. Gorman was denied for the credit the first time. They are asking the City to pay up to $20,000 to re-work the application for a second chance at getting the Tax Credit. (There are concerns that, if the Tax Credit is not received, that the purchase deal will fall through.) After a previous closed session, Council approved covering this expense, but because there are no funds available in the 2017 budget, a funding source is needed. The Finance, Budget, and Personnel Committee has recommended transferring $20,000 from contingency to pay toward the cost of assisting Gorman with the Historic Tax Credit application, and Council may decide at Tuesday’s meeting how to proceed.

School District Presentation
The School District of Marshfield will present on the status of plans for adding and upgrading recreational/sporting facilities (i.e. new football stadium, track, etc). This will allow the City to better evaluate potential public infrastructure needs (such as stormwater drainage, road lane additions, etc.) that might arise as the project develops. The District has no final plan yet, but the goal is to help the City get ahead of any needs that might arise.

Value of the Utility Presentation
Marshfield Utilities will present a general update on their current status, highlighting the many benefits that Marshfield Utilities provides to the community

Wenzel Family Plaza Update
The Council, via the Consent Agenda, is expected to approve final plans and the bid process for the Wenzel Family Plaza.

Compensation Market Study
The Council will consider authorizing a Compensation Market Study, which will assess our positions and pay classifications in light of current market conditions. The original study was conducted five years ago.

Alanna Feddick
Since 2004, Feddick has served as District 2 representative on the Common Council. She chose not to run in 2017. Nick Poeschel is the new District 2 Alderman.


News Desk
Author: News Desk