Wood County Circuit Court Reschedules Trials



The Wood County Circuit Court will be implementing temporary changes to its scheduling to address concerns related to the COVID-19 virus, according to the County Clerk in a release.

All jury trials scheduled between March 17, 2020 and April 17, 2020 will be rescheduled.

Those scheduled to be in court should contact their attorney immediately. If not represented, contact the Clerk of Circuit Court or the Court Branch in which the hearing is scheduled.

Parties will be allowed to appear by phone when possible. “Our intent is to try to keep the public safe, while recognizing that some court operations must proceed,” the release stated. “Use common sense and wash your hands before and after any visit to the Courthouse.”

Contact the Courts by calling:

Clerk of Circuit Court 715-421-8490
Branch 1 (Judge Potter) 715-421-8520
Branch 2 (Judge Brazeau) 715-421-8518
Branch 3 (Judge Wolf) 715-421-8415

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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