Wisconsin COVID-19 Cases at 155



The Wisconsin Department of Health Services announced that 155 cases of COVID-19 are now confirmed in the state as of Thursday afternoon.

Of the tests, 2,192 have come back negative.

[Related: Gov. Evers Directs DHS to Limit Gatherings to Less Than 10 to Slow Spread of COVID-19]

Community spread is now identified in Brown County, meaning the patient had not traveled to a risk area or been exposed to a known case. Milwaukee, Dane and Kenosha also have community spread. There is one case of coronavirus in Wood County, which was confirmed Sunday.

There are 6 negative tests so far in Wood County with more lab results pending. Most tests in the county are sent to the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH).

“They say it takes 1-2 days for results, but we are still waiting on results from last week,” Sue Kunferman, Director/Health Officer at the Wood County Health Department told OnFocus on Wednesday. “They likely won’t run those tests because many don’t meet the new testing criteria.”

Since labs are overwhelmed, tests are prioritized where the patient is hospitalized, is a healthcare worker, or in long-term care.

For the latest guidelines regarding COVID-19, visit www.dhs.wisconsin.gov.


Wisconsin County Total Cases as of 3/19/2020
Bayfield 1
Brown* 2
Calumet 1
Columbia 4
Dane* 27
Eau Claire 1
Fond du Lac 14
Kenosha* 4
La Crosse 2
Milwaukee* 62
Outagamie 1
Ozaukee 3
Pierce 1
Racine 3
Sauk 1
Sheboygan 6
Walworth 2
Washington 2
Waukesha 12
Winnebago 5
Wood 1
Total 155

*Indicates community spread

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Confirmed in Wood County

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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