School District an Important Consideration When Choosing a Home


Submitted to OnFocus – When purchasing a home, there many different factors to consider, including the size of the house, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the home’s condition, the neighborhood, and so much more.

While area of town and accessibility to highways might be important considerations, families are encouraged to pay special attention to where the best school systems are located as the most critical aspect of their home search.

“When choosing the best school district for your children, it is important to check school performance ratings,” said Josh Kilty, Fairway Mortgage. “Property values are likely to be higher around public schools with higher scores, as those are the most desirable areas for families. Of course, if the schools continue to perform well, your property value should also likely increase.”

Even in a “down market,” a great school can be the one factor that lifts nearby home prices.

“A good place to begin your research is the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, which has many tools and data to help you learn more about the various school districts in the area,” said Kilty. “School District Demographics System allows you to compare and contrast area schools. is another resource worth exploring. offers insights from actual parents who submit their reviews on the experiences their own children have had in the schools.”

While school districts and their boundaries may affect a home’s value, finding the right education for a child is one of the most essential decisions any parent can make for their future.

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