Engineering Design for Lincoln Avenue Construction Project Moved Forward

Lincoln Ave in Marshfield

Board of Public Works Approves Earlier Start for Design Process

OnFocus – The City of Marshfield’s Board of Public Works voted to include $50,000 in the 2021 budget to begin engineering for the Lincoln Avenue (5th Street to Adler Road) project with the funding to come from a reduction of $50,000 in the 2021 asphalt paving program (from $1,918,000 to $1,868,000).

In March of this year, the City was notified by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) that the Lincoln Avenue (5th Street to Adler Road) project was awarded funding through the STP Urban Program. In June, the City executed a State/Municipal Agreement with WISDOT and now has authorization to proceed with the project.

The City’s adopted Capital Improvement Program includes funding for engineering for this project in 2023 and construction in 2024.

According to City Engineer Tom Turchi, in discussing the project with WISDOT’s project manager, he indicated that it’s a good idea to get engineering started sooner than the year prior to construction for several reasons.

First, if complications are encountered during the design process, there isn’t a risk in
delaying construction. Second, if real estate acquisition or easements are required, the City has enough time for the acquisition process. Third, if the design is done early and construction of other projects get delayed, the Lincoln Ave project would be a candidate for advancement to an earlier year.

With this in mind, staff suggested that the City begin the design process in 2021. Since this project is beyond normal Engineering Division capacity and the WISDOT design process for use of federal funds requires a much greater level of detail than local projects, this project will require consultant services.

The City would begin the selection process after the first of the year and hope to have a consultant on board by mid-year. Project design is funded 100% locally and estimated at $130,000. (Construction costs are split 80% federal and 20% local.) Staff is suggesting budgeting $50,000 in 2021 to get started with design. The remaining design cost would be budgeted in 2022 and possibly into 2023, depending upon the schedule. To fund the $50,000 in 2021, staff is suggesting that the asphalt paving program be reduced by $50,000 from $1,918,000 to $1,868,000.

The Board of Public Works approved the motion unanimously.

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