Wolf Harvest Zones 2,5,6 Will Close To Hunting And Trapping Effective 10 a.m. Feb. 24

Under Wisconsin law, when the wolf is delisted, the state's annual hunting and trapping seasons shall resume. Following federal delisting, the gray wolf season in Wisconsin will begin Nov. 6, 2021. Until the official season goes into effect, it remains unlawful to shoot a wolf unless there is an immediate threat to human safety. However, if on private land, you can shoot and kill wolves that are in the act of killing, wounding or biting a domestic animal. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

Submitted to OnFocus – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced today wolf harvesting Zones 2,5,6 will close to hunting and trapping gray wolves effective 10 a.m., Feb. 24. At that time, the zones will close to any further hunting and trapping of wolves for the February 2021 wolf harvest season.

RELATED: https://www.onfocus.news/hsus-highlights-flaws-in-dnr-wolf-hunt-approach/

With this closure, a total of three wolf harvest zones have closed this season. The DNR advises wolf hunters and trappers they can currently continue to pursue wolves in Zones 1,3,4.

The department will announce additional zone closures through news releases, notification at dnr.wi.gov, and via the telephone information system, 1-855-299-9653. It is each hunter and trapper’s responsibility to verify and abide by zone closures. The department encourages hunters and trappers to check the website and call-in number daily.

Harvest updates and zone closures will be posted to the website here as information becomes available.

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