Witness Details 40 Vehicle Pile-Up on I-94


A 40 vehicle pile-up north of Osseo on I-94 resulted in seven injuries on Sunday. There were 7 semis and 33 automobiles involved resulting in 7 injuries, including one life-threatening injury.

Truck driver Roger said in 45 years of driving, he hadn’t seen a more significant accident.

The accident started when a car lost control and bumped into the semi it was passing. While visibility was decent, slick road conditions made it difficult for cars to avoid the accident and safely stop in the median.

Roger saw a snow plow driver wave him down and did his best to stop. Due to road conditions, he was driving about 40 miles per hour at the time.

“I had two people give me a hug because I didn’t hit them,” he said.

Watch the video above for full interview:

Large pile-up on I-94

News Desk
Author: News Desk