Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln Student-Athlete and Soon-To-Be Ripon Red Hawk Allison Martin: Enjoy the Present Moment, Be the Best You Can Be


Wisconsin Rapids (OnFocus) – High School student-athletes often express wishes to play sports beyond their high school days, hoping to play at the collegiate level and extend their playing careers.  Some see their wishes come true, but not many get the opportunity to compete in more than one sport.

For Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln standout Allison Martin, that wish has come true, with Martin committing to playing both basketball and softball for Ripon College.

WBCA Girls  Basketball All-State Teams D 1,2,3,4,5

We caught up with Martin for the world-famous interview, ‘Pancakes or Waffles?’ to learn more about the soon-to-be Red Hawk.

OnFocus: What classes are you taking this year?

Martin: Sociology, Medical Terminology, College English 101, Creative Writing, Starting a Small Business, Calculus, Speech 1, Outdoor Education, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Digital Art. 

OnFocus: What is your favorite class?

Martin: Medical Terminology.

Enjoy the present moment because it won’t last forever. Don’t take your teammates and/or friends for granted. Be the best you can be where you’re at. Find the balance between school and sports that works for you while maintaining grades and keeping up hard work. Have fun.’ – Allison Martin

OnFocus: What are your hobbies?

Martin: I actually have a lot of random hobbies that I pick up when I get interested in them. Some of these include; playing the ukulele, kayaking, fishing, four-wheeling, sudoku puzzles, solving a Rubik’s cube, playing the piano, hiking in the woods, singing, and drawing.

OnFocus: Who is/was your favorite teacher?

Martin: I don’t think I have one favorite teacher, but here are some of my favorites: Mr. Krommenakker, Mr. Huglen, Mrs. Jarosinski, Mrs. Krings, and Mrs. Gawlitta.

OnFocus: What is the most unusual food you have eaten?

Martin: I’m not sure what the most unusual food I’ve ever eaten is, but I’ll try just about anything.

OnFocus: What is your favorite music to listen to?

Martin: Country Music.

OnFocus: What are your plans after high school?

Martin: I plan to go to Ripon College for a major in Exercise Science. Then I would like to go to graduate school for my Doctorate of Physical Therapy.

OnFocus: If they made a movie about you and your life, what would it be called?

Martin: ‘Faith Over Fear’ – I have worried a lot about what others are going to think of me and I have feared failure since I was young. The war between faith and fear has been going on in my head for a long time. I have to focus on one battle at a time to make sure my faith wins.

OnFocus: What sports do you play?

Martin: I play softball and basketball.

OnFocus: Which teammate would you not want to be stranded with on a deserted island?

Martin: I would be comfortable stranded on a deserted island with any of my teammates.

OnFocus: What is your most memorable moment as an athlete?

Martin: My most memorable moment would have to be a series of memorable moments when I played with my team, Central Wisconsin Edge, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota for a softball tournament this past summer. I hit really well, I robbed a home run, I hit two home runs, my teammates played amazing, and we all had a blast.

OnFocus: Who is your favorite athlete?

Martin: My favorite famous athlete is Scottie Pippen.

OnFocus: What do you enjoy most about playing home games?

Martin: Well, before Covid I enjoyed having the support of my friends, family, and classmates there to cheer my team on. This year I enjoy the familiarity of the court, the senior banners my coach spent a lot of time building frames for, and the spotlights during the introductions. 

OnFocus: What’s the best thing about being a student-athlete at  Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School?

Martin: best thing about being a student-athlete at Lincoln High School is being apart of such great teams. It’s awesome seeing my teammates in the hallway on game day because we all have high energy and can’t wait to play. Also, the teachers show interest in our games and, in non-Covid years, many of them would come to support us.

OnFocus: What words of wisdom can you give to other student-athletes?

Martin: Enjoy the present moment because it won’t last forever. Don’t take your teammates and/or friends for granted. Be the best you can be where you’re at. Find the balance between school and sports that works for you while maintaining grades and keeping up hard work. Have fun.

OnFocus: Lastly, pancakes or waffles?

Martin: I prefer homemade waffles. They remind me of the waffles my teammates and I used to make at hotels when we were staying overnight for tournaments.

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]