Wisconsin Assembly passes 5G technology regulation bill


MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Assembly has passed a bill that would limit the regulation of 5G, or “small cell,” technology.

The bill approved Tuesday now heads to Gov. Tony Evers for his consideration. The Senate passed the bill 25-5 earlier this month.

The proposal creates a statewide regulatory framework for the 5G technology, including provisions about where the small wireless facilities can be placed, height and size restrictions and other requirements.

In general, the bill prohibits local governments from regulating certain communications services or charging fees on infrastructure to support it.

Bill sponsor Rep. Mike Kuglitsch said Wisconsin has been at a competitive disadvantage because neighboring states have already enacted similar laws.

Supporters are calling for quick action to get the technology in place, especially before Milwaukee hosts the Democratic National Convention next year. Opponents say the measure takes too much power away from local governments and doesn’t consider health risks of the technology.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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