Wenzel Family Plaza Restroom Project Moves Forward

Wenzel Family Plaza

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Wenzel Family Plaza is on track to have bathrooms next summer, pending design approval and construction availability.

“The original plan for Wenzel [Plaza] had restrooms, but funding was short and restrooms were cut primarily because many of the items in the plaza had some sort of sponsorship attached to them so it made sense to cut the restrooms,” Parks Director Justin Casperson stated during the October Parks & Recreation Committee meeting. “After it was constructed, we heard a lot of outcry to have some sort of restroom at that location, especially as it relates to the fountain and the concert series.”

Adding restrooms was consequently scheduled in the City’s Capital Improvement Program for 2026, but recommended and approved to be moved forward to 2023, according to Casperson.

“That means we want to build these restrooms next summer,” said Casperson. “We have to decide where to put them.”

After discussion with City staff and taking into consideration a variety of factors including engineering, green space, safety, and privacy, staff recommended a position on the north side of the Plaza, behind the pergola.

Staff considered buying a surrounding property or putting restrooms behind the stage, along Chestnut Avenue, or the alley, however utility and visibility conflicts dissuaded those options.

Marshfield Parks & Recreation Committee approved the location on the north side. After Council approval, a design will be developed and bids requested for construction.

“We picked this location,” said Casperson. “The idea is to pick this location, get it designed, and get it bid out as quickly as possible.”

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