Voters in Wisconsin Rapids to Vote on Referendum Plan April 6


Wisconsin Rapids (OnFocus) – As shared on the Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools website, residents in the district will vote in the April 6 election on a referendum plan the WRPS School Board unanimously approved at their January 11 meeting.

From the district’s web page, referendum information is found below:

As part of the District’s Strategic Plan, we are committed to continually enhancing our strong academic and co-curricular programs to continue meeting the needs of our diverse learners and provide critical services for students. Our school facilities/buildings play a vital role in this effort. Over the past few years, we have undergone grade level restructuring and completed multiple projects in our long-range facility plan that updated energy and heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) systems throughout our District. These new energy-efficient systems have allowed us to save money. However, additional needs still exist and are too great to be funded within our annual operating budget.

Our needs are not going away and we have a financial window of opportunity to invest with no projected tax increase over current levels.  As a result, we asked our community to provide feedback on our operational and facility needs through a community-wide survey last fall. We wanted to ensure that our proposed solutions reflected the needs of our students and the priorities of our taxpayers. Results of the survey can be found here . All community feedback was instrumental in shaping the referendum plan that the Board of Education unanimously supported at their January 11, 2021 meeting.

As always, we want to provide the best education for every student, enabling each to be a thoughtful, responsible contributor to a changing world. Therefore, we are excited to share the opportunity for residents to vote on two referendum questions on the April 6, 2021 ballot designed to keep WRPS thriving and adapting by impacting all students and all schools. The District-wide solutions will address:

  • Safety and Security
  • Educational Space Improvements
  • Operational Needs


WBCA Girls  Basketball All-State Teams D 1,2,3,4,5

Referendum Fact Sheet HERE

Press Release HERE

Community Survey Results HERE

DPI School Funding Background HERE

Voter Information HERE

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]