VIDEO: Cow enjoys ride through the McDonald’s Drive-thru

cow in car
Cow in Car in McDonald's Drive-Thru

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – When a local business owner went out to get lunch, little did she know that a farm animal would mooove quicker into the drive-thru lane.

At just after 1 p.m. Thursday, Jessica Nelson posted a video from the Marshfield McDonald’s Drive-Thru when she noticed a cow in the back of someone’s vehicle a couple of cars ahead of her in line.

You’d think maybe the cow was in the back of a truck or even an SUV but instead, the cow appeared to be in the back of a Buick LeSabre.

Nelson said that although she was surprised to see the cow, she seemed to be the only one that was truly stunned to see the animal.

Despite McDonald’s notable meal being the “Big Mac,” rumor has it the cow ordered a salad.

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