Thank You Letter From the Green Family

Kathryn Green and her daughter have started to rebuild their lives from the ground up. Support from the community has made that task a little bit easier. Photos courtesy of Kathryn Green and the Spencer Fire Department and Ambulance Service.

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – On Feb. 10, the Green family lost a home, pets, memories and much more in a house fire. Kathryn Green and her daughter were displaced from the home they were renting and had almost nothing.

In the wake of the tragedy, the Spencer community and area businesses pulled together to help the family in a time of need. Schools gave time, money and items, people donated to the Go Fund Me page, businesses helped raise money and awareness for animals who might be inside homes during fires. A true community effort helped give the Green family some semblance of hope after a devastating catastrophe.

Now, Kathryn wants to thank those that helped her and her daughter during this tough time:

My “thank yous” go far beyond anything I have ever been able to comprehend. There are so many wonderful people in this world. I will never be able to thank everyone enough who have come together to help my daughter and myself out during this tragic and scary time. A month ago to the day we suffered a house fire in a home we were renting, lovingly called “The Farmhouse.” Luckily we were not home at the time. Our pets sadly perished in the fire. This has been truly the worst thing that’s ever happened in my life.

To be picked up by so many people is equally beautiful and humbling as it was tragic. I’d like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to the community of Spencer. Spencer School District (where I work) or commonly referred to as, “The Rocket Family,” my co-workers, the custodial staff, to my students, their parents and families. Spencer High School students who went out of their way to donate and help. Spencer High School Boys Basketball team, Spencer’s entire athletic department and teams. Spencer Community Boosters. Spencer’s 3rd grade class (the class my daughter is in) for coming together to make her feel so loved with their generosity and comforting safe space they created and continue to create for her. Spencer Middle School students who rallied together to donate toys, money, and household items. Spencer 5th grade students who made sure my daughter had all of her favorite toys and blankets to comfort her during this time. Spencer Elementary School as a whole including the guidance department. Grant Elementary School who donated toys for my daughter.  To the people who didn’t have the resources to give but gave anyway. To my friends at Colby School District. To everyone who has reached out from far and wide. My personal friends who are like family, my family, and my parents. The community who gave on the Go Fund Me account set up by my very best friend. To the neighborhood where “The Farmhouse” is located. To the people I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting.  The Spencer Fire Department, all the surrounding fire departments that helped, and all of the volunteer firefighters. The Carlson family. Blue Skies Vet service in Stratford, R&R furniture, local churches, Weiler’s Convenience Stores, Premier Printing, Spectrum Insurance, Charis Counseling, and Burnett Transit. I apologize for missing anyone.

I’ve always tried to live my life by the pay it forward motto. I will continue my very best to keep paying it forward for the rest of my life. My daughter and I are beyond grateful and blessed. Thank you!

– Kathryn Green

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Author: News Desk