Spencer Schools Lift Mask Mandate

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OnFocus – At Wednesday’s meeting, the School District of Spencer Board voted to lift the mask mandate.

At a special School Board meeting on May 12, 2021 the board approved masks to be
optional, on a 3 -1 vote, for the remainder of the school year, effective Friday May 14, 2021.

“In that motion they did allow for a teacher to provide medical documentation to require
masks in their classrooms due to a medical condition; in these circumstances we ask that the students adhere to this requirement,” the district said in a statement.

Masks will continue to be required on the school busses as this is a federal mandate.

Also note-able: Spencer School District has hosted in-person classes for 5 days a week for nearly 2 months, staff has had the opportunity to become vaccinated if they choose, and the number of cases has declined significantly.

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