Speeds Reach 100 MPH in Motorcycle/Police Chase


Police Cease Peach Ave. Chase

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – According to a police report, a male is wanted by Marshfield police after he fled multiple police officers in a high-speed chase on Tuesday night.

According to the report, an 18-year-old Marshfield woman notified police that her ex-boyfriend was en-route to her residence at around 10 p.m. Tuesday night. She was not home and she did not want him there. The man also had two felony warrants out for his arrest.

The complainant gave police the description of the vehicle the man would be driving, a 2001 red, white and black Honda motorcycle.

Upon arriving at the residence, the man sped past officers on the motorcycle heading down Peach Ave. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle but the man accelerated to speeds of approximately 100 MPH and the pursuit was immediately terminated.

Officers tried contacting the suspect by phone with no success. Surrounding counties have received an Attempt to Locate for the man. This matter is under further investigation.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk