Ribbon Cutting Date Set for Cougar Exhibit

Cougar Exhibit, 10-8-19.

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) A ribbon cutting for the new cougar exhibit and Welcome Center at Wildwood Zoo is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 25 at 1 p.m.

Cougars Thunder and Star

At nearly ten times the size of the current space, the new exhibit offers a more spacious and diverse environment for 11 year-old cougars, Thunder and Star, who arrived at the zoo in the fall of 2008.

“I think in general people are going to be excited to see our cougars in a bigger enclosure,” said Steve Burns, Zookeeper. “I think our patrons as well as our staff recognized the cougar exhibit was the one we felt most needed to be improved in terms of size and getting them off of concrete.”

New Welcome Center at Wildwood Zoo

Besides the larger enclosure, the new Welcome Center will offer educational opportunities for visitors, including a chance to see the cougars through a window indoors during feeding times.

There will also be a variety of small animals inside the Welcome Center, including the box turtles Millie and Vanillie, which shared their outdoor enclosure with the new butterfly exhibit this summer, a Chuckwalla, the second largest lizard in North America, a few snakes, and a Banana Slug, one of the largest slugs in the world.

A kid-friendly water education exhibit and hands-on display on electricity, similar to those found in children’s museums, will also be set up inside the Welcome Center. The water exhibit is set up and confirmed for the ribbon cutting. The electricity display will be ready around Thanksgiving.


Wildwood Zoo Welcome Center to Include Hands-On Display about Electricity

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News Desk
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