Results of City Housing Study to be Presented


Learn about the recent findings of a Housing Study Wednesday, February 20, 2019

OnFocus – MSA Professional Services will present the research and proposed strategies of a recent Housing Study to discuss the findings on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Drendel Room located inside the Community Center, at 211 E 2nd St. Marshfield.

Housing is a key component for economic development in our community, so determining the current inventory, land availability and trends are vital for the growth of our city. The Housing Study will help identity any gaps in the inventory so the needs can be addressed, and additionally, housing in and around the downtown are important factors in making the Downtown a more vibrant place.

The Housing Study was last completed in 2014 and in the summer of 2018, the City hired MSA Professional Services to update the study. The draft has now been completed and includes a review of existing conditions, demographic information, housing data and housing trends.

Included in the Housing Study is a strategic plan component that details implementation efforts the City can use to fill the gaps in the housing inventory and housing market.

Please join us to learn more about the housing related issues and opportunities in Marshfield. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Development Services Department at 715-486-2016.

News Desk
Author: News Desk