Rapids Police Release Lip Sync Video


The Wisconsin Rapids Police Department is the latest participant in a series of Lip Sync Challenge videos.

With the trend reaching local police departments, the WRPD received plenty of messages asking when it would be making its own video.

“I felt like we were being called out by our community,” said School Resource Officer German Olivares, Lincoln High School. “I knew if we decided to make a lip-sync video we would have the support we needed to make it happen, so we got it going.”

The department worked with Travis Plowman at River Cities Community Media to film and edit the video.

“We wanted to showcase the fun side of our officers and show the different areas we have within the department,” said School Resource Officer Eric Daven, Junior High Schools. “It has been a lot of fun trying to think of things that have not been done, yet but also having a comical side.”

“Officer Daven and I spent about a week coming up with the script,” said Olivares. “We had a lot of fun during the entire process. It was hard not to laugh during some of the scenes–It’s not every day you get to see your co-workers dancing and lip-syncing.”

Details are top-secret until the video’s release.

“Expect to see cops having fun, and maybe some officers wearing tutus,” said Olivares.

News Desk
Author: News Desk