Public Works Votes to Demolish Chapel


Demolition of the Vaughn/Hansen Chapel

On July 16, 2018 the Board of Public Works voted to approve the low bid for the demolition of the Vaughn/Hansen Chapel at the Hillside Cemetery from Don Nikolai Construction.

The Vaugh/Hansen Chapel demolition project entails the removal of the chapel building, sidewalks, furnishings and ground restoration.

The City received four bids (see below). Don Nikolai Construction has good references, relative job experience and a good working relationship with the City of Marshfield. The budgeted amount for the project was $50,000.

Company – Bid
Don Nikolai Construction Inc. – $14,690
Balestrieri Environmental & Development Inc. – $22,360
Robinson Brothers Environmental Inc. – $24,800
Earth Inc. – $39,400


Vaughn-Hansen Reflection Center to Replace Cemetery Chapel

News Desk
Author: News Desk