Police Reports: Suspects in Hit and Run Crash into Snowbank


Marshfield Police Department Reports

1.2.20 at 1938
It was reported that a 50-year-old Wood County man was possibly enroute to a Marsfield residence. There was a concern he would be disruptive and cause a disturbance if he were to come to the residence. It was found that the male had an active warrant. Extra patrol was requested in the area of the residence. Police conducted extra patrol. The Wood County man did not come to the residence.

1.3.20 at 1551
A Stratford woman reported her vehicle was struck while it was parked in a parking lot on 1/2/2020 between 1320-1445. There were no witnesses and no security cameras in the area that would’ve captured the event. The impact was very minor and left a light brown scuff mark.

1.3.20 at 2028
A Pittsville man reported being rear ended by a Chevy Malibu at N. Central Ave and Arnold St. The man followed the suspect vehicle as it fled the scene until the vehicle crashed into a snowbank at W. Depot St. and N. Oak Ave. The driver, an 18-year-old Marshfield male, and passenger, a 16-year-old Marshfield male, switched seat positions and fled once again.

The Malibu was located at Veterans Parkway and Chestnut Ave. where a vehicle pursuit ensued until the Malibu crashed into a snowbank at 7th St. and Chestnut Ave. The driver of the Malibu fled on foot and was later apprehended. The 18-year-old was arrested for OWI 2nd offense and cited for hit and run. The 16-year-old was cited for fleeing and referred for obstructing an officer.

A 58-year-old Marshfield man was pulled over after radar read a speed of 42 MPH in a posted 25 MPH zone. The officer identified the driver from his Wisconsin DL. The man admitted to speeding and stated he did so because he likes the noise of the engine and exhaust when going fast. He also admitted that he had been drinking prior to the traffic stop. Standard Field Sobriety Tests were conducted and the defendant was placed under arrest for OWI 1st. The man submitted to a chemical test of his blood and was transported to MMC for legal blood draw. He was then released to a responsible party.

1.4.20 at 1352
Staff from a gas station in Arpin reported that a 24-year-old female entered the store, concealed a 1.75L bottle of vodka and walked past the last point of sale without paying for it. Contact was made with the female within the trunk of her vehicle which she tried to hide in. The female admitted to taking the alcohol without paying for it. Probation and Parole were contacted and placed a hold on the female. She was later transported to Marathon County Jail.

1.4.20 at 1415
47-year-old Marshfield male reported his ex-girlfriend was making unwanted contact with him at his residence and was requesting that officers contact the female and instruct her to stop contacting him. Officers made contact with the female and she was informed of his request. The female requested that he no longer contact her either. An officer made contact with the man and instructed him to no longer have contact with the female to which he stated he understood as well. No further involvement.

1.6.20 at 0816
A 49-year-old Marshfield man reported his 21-year-old Marshfield daughter who lives with him as not being seen since Thursday evening. The man stated he had phone contact with her Friday evening stating she responded to his request about her being ok. The female fails to report to work Saturday evening and since stopped responding to contact via Facebook Messenger as well. An ATL was sent out in an attempt to locate her and her vehicle. He stated that she does periodically use drugs and that most of her friends are in the Chippewa Falls area. She does not have a working phone currently. Woman was found safe on 1/6/2020.

1.6.20 at 1000
On 1.4.20 a male and female entered a store. The male tried on a pair of shoes and put the shoe box on the shelf empty. The male and female then left the store and are suspected of concealing the shoes in the female’s shoulder bag. Investigation to continue.

1.6.20 at 1921
It was reported that an outside water faucet had been turned on at a Marshfield home. The resident and complainant did not know when or how this had happened. There was no damage to the complainant’s property. But the complainant was concerned about her water bill. The complainant did call Marshfield Utilities. It was reported that there was a spike in water usage beginning on 1.5.2020 at 1200 and ending on 1.62020 at 0530, an approximate 17 hour window. Officers contacted other neighbors; nothing else of evidentiary value was reported.

1.6.20 at 1951
Wood County jail staff contacted dispatch to request a welfare check on a 30-year-old Marshfield woman. Jail Staff were informed by a 31-year-old inmate, who is the woman’s husband, that she had made suicidal comments to him during a phone call. Initial attempts to make contact with the woman were unsuccessful and she was not answering her cell phone. Property manager was requested to gain access to the residence and the residence was searched with the woman not present. A short time after officers had left the woman was contacted and was now home. She denied making any suicidal comments at all and did not want her husband to keep calling her so she did not answer his repeated calls.

1.7.20 at 0710
A Marshfield woman reported that an iPad and iPhone were ordered under her name through AT&T. The woman stated she received an email that these items were to be delivered to the Baymont Inn on 1.7.20. Those items were recovered at Baymont and secured in evidence. Investigation to continue.

1.7.20 at 1342
Marshfield Medical Center security called to report that an elderly female was punched in the head and had her hair pulled by a 35-year old Auburndale female while sitting in the ER waiting room. At this time the extent of the woman’s injuries are not known. The suspect is currently on a court ordered protective placement and is diagnosed with multiple mental disabilities. The suspect was with two caretakers at the time she assaulted the elderly woman. Investigation to continue.

1.7.20 at 1607
A manager reported that they terminated an employee. The employee, a 34-year-old Marshfield female, was upset and made concerning statements to another employee. The female was warned for her behavior and advised to avoid the business.

1.7.20 at 2222
A 28-year-old Wisconsin Rapids man reported a conversation that was had with a 41-year-old. During that conversation the male made a comment about self harm. Contact was made with the male who said that he made that statement out of frustration due to an argument with his girlfriend. A safety plan was established with Crisis Intervention.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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