Police Reports: Stolen Vehicles Located, Gunshots Fired in Marshfield Apartment

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MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – September 24

A traffic stop was conducted and an odor of marijuana was detected and a 43 year-old Marshfield female was arrested for Possession of Marijuana and a Probation Hold. The female was transported to Wood County Jail and charges are requested through Wood County District Attorneys Office.

Officers located multiple stolen vehicles on the property at a Marshfield residence while investigating a separate complaint. The vehicles were removed from the property and processed. Investigation is ongoing.

A 29-year-old Marshfield female reported a vehicle stolen from her residence on 09/23/2021. During the investigation, the officer recovered two other stolen vehicles that were located on the property however was unable to locate Shelley’s vehicle. Her vehicle will be entered into NCIC. A suspect has been identified and officers are attempting to locate.

September 25

A 42-year-old Marshfield man called 911 to report his son was severely intoxicated. Officers made contact with the man and it was apparent he was incapacitated by alcohol. The man’s condition worsened while officers were present on scene. An ambulance was requested and the man was transported to Marshfield Medical Center. The man was later transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

September 27

A 52-year-old Marshfield man reported hearing multiple gunshots at approx. 1:30 in the morning. The complainant indicated the man in the apartment below him owned a gun. Officers responded and spoke to multiple other people who reported hearing gunshots. One witness indicated the gunshots came from a specific apartment, which was also the apartment directly below the complainant. Officers made contact with a 29-year-old man. The man’s apartment window had damage consistent with multiple gunshots, which the man originally attributed to his cat. The man was found to be in possession of two firearms and later admitted to discharging one of the guns. He was arrested and transported to MMC ER where he completed a blood draw. The man was then transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

A complainant reported threatening messages over Facebook Messenger by a 26-year-old Ohio male. The messages were a conversation about an animal that was taken by the complainant’s sister who was in a past relationship with the Ohio male. Information was received about a possible domestic abuse incident that occurred in Ohio with the male and the sister. The sister was connected with PDC for TRO assistance. The Ohio male has since blocked the complainant on messenger. Investigation to continue.

September 28

A complainant reported that she located a bullet in her living room that appeared to have been shot into her house from outside. It is suspected that this is related to the above report where the male suspect was taken into custody for firing multiple gunshots in and out of a nearby apartment complex.

A 34-year-old Marshfield woman stated she found suspected drugs in her 14-year-old Marshfield daughter’s room as well as messages associating drug use on the tablet. Officers received a positive test result and made contact with the 14-year-old daughter. During contact the daughter became out of control and created a disturbance at the residence.

A 34-year-old Marshfield male reported a 32-year-old Marshfield male had entered his residence without permission while he was gone. Home surveillance system captured the event and the male was identified. Contact was made with the male who admitted to entering the residence without permission in an attempt to locate and take bed bug spray. He was taken into custody and transported to the Wood county Jail.

A 29-year-old Marshfield female reported that a 41-year-old Marshfield woman was creating a disturbance. The woman was arrested and transported to Wood County Jail on a Probation Hold. A request for charges will be forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office for Disorderly Conduct and two counts of felony bail jumping.

September 29

A 33-year-old Marshfield woman called to report a verbal argument between parents during a child custody exchange. Prior to officer arrival the man had left with two of the children. Due to the man’s verbal outburst and comments yelled he will be mailed a citation for Disorderly Conduct. Various other family court issues were mentioned and included with this report. No further action.

September 30

A 46-year-old Marshfield female came to the station in reference to possible identity theft after her iPad was hacked. Unknown suspects convinced her to pay $3,000 to “clean” her computer by sending a picture of handwritten checks. Soon after the victim quickly realized it was a scam and froze her bank account prior to the money being withdrawn. She also took steps to prevent her credit card accounts from being utilized and will contact the IRS regarding her Social Security being obtained. At this time the victim is not out anything financially. However, it is unknown how much personal information the suspects obtained from her iPad.

A 66-year-old Marshfield woman contacted police to report a 39-year-old Marshfield man was violating his bond by contacting her daughter. Officers were shown a letter and a Facebook Messenger conversation where there were mutual messages sent between the two subjects. Officers reviewed bond conditions and found that both parties had violated conditions of their bond. The man was arrested and transported to the Wood County Jail. The female was not arrested as she was dealing with a medical condition. Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA for both subjects.

Officers were called to Festival Foods for a 29-year-old Marshfield female who was causing a disturbance inside the store. Officers made contact with the female who continued to be disruptive and uncooperative with Officers. She was arrested for disorderly conduct, resisting an officer, and multiple drug related charges. Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA. See report for further details.

October 1

The Portage County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance in retrieving an OWI blood draw at a Marshfield location from a 19 y/o Rudolph male. The blood kit was retrieved and mailed by this officer via USPS.

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Author: News Desk