Police Reports: Skype extortion, stolen firearm, and suicide attempt

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Marshfield Police Reports: October 16-22

October 16

A 65 year-old Marshfield man called dispatch to report that another man had been touching his 55 year-old girlfriend inappropriately and he wanted it to stop. Contact was made with the couple and they both described in detail an alleged 4th degree sexual assault that complainant would have witnessed at their residence. After speaking with another witness, alleged suspect, and the victim again, investigation determined that the complainant and his girlfriend had fabricated the incident and will be issued citations for obstructing an officer.

A woman reported that a smaller silver car struck the rear bumper on her vehicle while stopped at Upham/Peach. She stated she drove into the parking lot of Simplicity Credit Union to speak with the driver of the other vehicle but the vehicle fled the scene. She stated she did not get a plate of the other vehicle and did not see if the driver was male or female. Officer did take photographs of the damage, which was very minor.

Wood County Crisis called requesting officers to go to the listed location as they were on the phone with the victim who was reporting that her 30 year-old son was intoxicated and pounding on her door. At one point, the son stated to his mother that he was going to take a knife and slit her throat. Upon officer arrival, the son had gone upstairs to his own apartment and his mother was visibly upset and afraid. Officers made contact with the man and he was taken into custody without incident. The man made numerous repeated threats towards an officer’s family members after the arrest. After booking procedures, the man was transported to Wood County Jail and charges referred for Disorderly Conduct-Domestic and Threat to Law Enforcement to Wood County DA Office.

October 17

A woman reported that a man had walked away from the residence and had not returned. A canvas of the area was conducted and he was located approximately 4 blocks away from the residence walking on the sidewalk. The man has had a history of walking away from the residence and being gone for multiple hours without returning due to his declining mental state. He was returned to the residence via Marshfield Police.

Crisis called stating there was a 39 year-old Marshfield male in Internal Medicine for a Doctor’s appointment and made several concerning statements and stated he attempted suicide on Saturday. The male was detained and escorted to MMC for medical clearance for a Chapter 51.15.

During a traffic stop, a 30 year-old female was arrested for a probation warrant. She was also found to be in possession of THC 2nd and Drug paraphernalia. She was also out on misdemeanor bond. She was booked at MPD, medically cleared at MMC, and transported to Wood County Jail.

A man reported after being contacted by a stranger on Instagram, he made a call on Skype to this individual who recorded the call and is now threatening to share the video with his Instagram friends if he does not give them money. The man stated he gave them $150, but now they are asking for more. He was advised to contact Instagram to report the incident.

October 18

A 31 year-old Wisconsin Rapids male was taken into custody during a traffic stop for OWI 3rd offense. During the investigation officers located drug paraphernalia with suspected cocaine residue within the vehicle. The male subject was transported to MMC ER for a blood draw and later released to a sober adult. Multiple citations were issued and a request for charges was sent to Wood County DA.

Park patrol reported damage to the picnic area of Braem Park. A water fountain was damaged after someone attempted to remove it from the wall. Additionally, several items were found to be broke in the men’s bathroom. No suspects at this time.

A fire was reported on West 17th Street and police responded with fire and EMS. One person was taken to Marshfield Medical Center ER.

October 19

A woman contacted police and reported a disturbance. A referral will be completed against the woman’s grandson, a 14 year-old Marshfield male, for battery and disorderly conduct.

A woman reported than a 70 year-old Marshfield man left the residence and had not returned home. Officers attempted to locate the man with no success. Due to the cold conditions, a request was made to utilize the Project Life Saver Program. Multiple agencies responded and the man was located.

A man reported his son, a 20 year-old male, had been in possession of a firearm but had it taken from the listed address where he was residing. His son suspects a 40 year-old Marshfield man of taking it.

A woman contacted the PD after she received letters in the mail from the WI Dept of Workforce Development indicating that they had received an app from her for unemployment insurance. She had not applied for anything and had recently retired. Her previous employer and wages were listed on the forms. She frozen her credit and put a watch on her SSN due to a previous ID theft case. At this time, she is not out any financial loss.

October 20

A man reported that his 46 year-old roommate physically attacked him and kicked down his bedroom door during a verbal argument. Upon arrival, the officer was informed that the female had locked herself in her bedroom, was very upset, and was in possession of a firearm. Officers determined phone contact with the female was the safest option at this time. The female eventually exited the residence and was taken into custody. She was transported to the Marshfield Police Department where she was booked and posted bail, then released.

A 48 year-old Marshfield woman was taken into custody subsequent to a traffic stop on Veterans Parkway near Vine Ave for a warrant. The woman was issued a citation and transported to Portage County Sheriff’s Department where turned over to their custody.

A 22 year-old Marshfield female was taken into custody during a traffic stop at 10th Street and Vine Ave. She was found to be in possession of THC and drug paraphernalia. She was transported to the Marshfield Police Department, where she was booked and later released. A request for charges will be sent to the Wood County DA Office.

Agent called and stated that an 18 year-old Marshfield male was at his residence and had an active probation warrant. Officers made contact with the male and he was arrested and transported to the Wood County Jail.

A man reported he believes someone entered his unlocked garage and stole his 2006 burnt orange Trek FX7.3 mountain bike. He stated this happened approximately two weeks ago, however he just noticed it while cleaning out the garage. There are no known suspects or leads at this time.

October 21

A man called stating his 15 year-old son took off going South on Schmidt Ave. The son was listed as a runaway into NCIC. A juvenile referral will be submitted to Social Services for Runaway and Disorderly Conduct.

Juneau County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance regarding an ongoing case they are investigating. Assistance was rendered.

Managers on S Maple called to report an unknown male on the property. The address had an eviction notice for 10/15. Officers cleared the residence and no one was still inside. The residence was secured, however several windows had been removed so the residence can still be entered. Surrounding area was checked for the unknown male without him being located. Management will keep an eye on the property and call again if anyone is seen in or near it.

Victim reported that between 0600 and 1500 the middle window on the rear passenger door was broken. There were scrub marks on the vehicle consistent with being struck by another unknown vehicle. Also possibly unrelated, in the snow on the windshield the word “HI” was written. At this time, there are no suspects.

A woman stated she was inside the residence when she heard a crash. She stated a female driver was backing up a blue mini van with license plate AGM-1616 out of the driveway in Frey Ct Lot 29. She stated the driver of the striking vehicle struck her own garbage can and then backed up into her rear driver side causing damage and blue paint transfer. She stated she attempted to stop the driver, however the driver just drove away. Contact was attempted but was unsuccessful.

October 22

A vehicle was taken without consent from a man’s garage while he is incarcerated. There may be conflicting information about vehicle ownership. Investigation is ongoing.

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