Police Reports: Man arrested for maintaining drug trafficking place

Police Cruiser Traffic Stop Closeup Photo. American Police Car.

7.31.20 at 0931

An employee of St. Vincent De Paul reported a hit and run that occurred from the previous evening. The vehicle was located during routine patrol later in the day and the suspect was identified. Information was exchanged for damages.


7.31.20 at 1455

An employee of a convenience store on West McMillian Street reported a female individual put 11.9 gallons of unleaded fuel into her vehicle and left the property making no effort to pay for the fuel. She stated this is an ongoing issue with this female and vehicle. Officers did take a video which was uploaded into evidence.com. The employee provided the name of another officer that may have the name of this female as he is investigating the last fuel drive off. Investigation to continue.


7.31.20 at 1834

A Marshfield man contacted law enforcement to report his 10-year-old daughter was out of control, yelling and kicking the back patio glass door. Officers responded and the juvenile eventually calmed down to the point that officers could leave. A juvenile referral was forwarded to Wood County Department of Human Services.


8.1.20 at 2034

Director of the Aster retirement community reported a trespasser that had previously been warned. Officers arrived in the area and saw the suspect. The man fled on foot and was apprehended after a brief foot pursuit. The man was taken to MDPD and later released due to jail restrictions. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office. P&P was also notified.


8.2.20 at 2015

A Marshfield woman reported a Chevy Silverado in the Wildwood park causing a disturbance. A traffic stop was conducted and a 14-year-old Marshfield juvenile was cited for disorderly conduct and an 18-year-old Athens man. The 18-year-old Athens man was also referred for carrying a concealed weapon through the Wood County District Attorney’s office.


8.2.20 at 2355

While on patrol officers stopped 2 curfew violators on bicycles. The officer was aware of several recent instances of flags being damaged or stolen and political signs being taken or vandalized so they interviewed the boys about their potential involvement. Both boys confessed their involvement in multiple instances. Parents/guardians were contacted and the boys were returned home. They are being cited for curfew violations and referred to Human Services.


8.2.20 at 2257

A Marshfield woman reported her 15-year-old daughter as a runaway. The daughter was found several hours later in Port Edwards, Wisconsin. Wood County Human Services was contacted and requested the juvenile return home. The juvenile was transported to backed to Marshfield and returned to her mother.


8.3.20 at 1330

A 74-year-old Marshfield woman came to the station to report nearly being scammed out of $1,000.00. She had received phone calls from unknown individuals advising her that her bank account would be erased and in order to save her money she needed to withdraw the account and put the money onto Wal-mart gift cards. After doing so the suspects instructed her to give them the card numbers so they could, “safeguard” her money. The woman then realized what they were doing and she did not give them the numbers and blocked them. She was instructed to contact her bank as well as the IRS and Social Security as the suspects had obtained her information. The woman is not at a loss of any of her money, however, it is in Wal-mart gift card format. She will work with Wal- mart and her bank to return the cash bank into her bank account. Unknown suspects and location appeared to be outside the US.


8.3.20 at 1237

A 35-year-old Marshfield man came to the station to initially report mail fraud regarding a friend gathering his mail for him without permission. The mail however was not tampered with. It was made aware that on the listed date the man had noticed the amount of $484.00 withdrawn from his account. He had previously reported this transaction to his bank and they had credited the account and issued him a new card. The man told the officer that while he was shopping an unknown suspect had taken his card from his wallet, withdrew the money, and then placed the card back into his wallet without his knowledge. The bank manager was contacted and informed of the information, which was very different from the version the bank had received previously. Bank will put a notice on the man for any future claims. No suspects as it appears the man had withdrawn the money himself, however, the bank is unable to confirm at this time. No further action.


8.4.20 at 0901

A person came to this station to report ongoing issues and concerns regarding the occupants of a residence on the 300 block of E. 9th Street. The person wishes to remain anonymous due to fears of retaliation. The person has heard from numerous neighbors in the area that those are living at the residence create disturbances, play loud music, swear and intimidate the neighborhood. Other concerns are that there are frequent visitors and brief stops at the residence by numerous people. The person was advised to call the department when any issues arise that officers can address as it is occurring and to attempt vehicle descriptions of those coming and going. This has been an ongoing concern with this residence and anonymous complaints. Extra patrol requested and reported incidents as they occur.


8.4.20 at 1015

Officers were requested from Wood County P&P to respond to their location to collect items of drug paraphernalia. Officers obtained consent from a 21-year-old Marshfield male to search his residence. Items of drug paraphernalia were collected. During the search, it was learned there was a possible drug lab in the garage. DCI was contacted as well as Marathon County Human Services due to poor living conductions of the residence. The male was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of THC, felony bail jumping, manufacture of THC, maintaining drug trafficking place, and child neglect.


8.4.20 at 1401

A Marshfield woman called to report that the listed vehicle had driven behind her slowly while she walked her dog from Becker to Blodgett while on N Juno Av. She did not recognize the vehicle or occupants and felt that it was rather suspicious that they followed in such a manner while she walked.


8.4.20 at 1907

A 19-year-old Marshfield woman reported a 45-year-old Marshfield male was sending her unwanted messages and leaving her presents at the door of her apartment. Contact was made with the 45-year-old and he was advised not to contact the complainant anymore. Wood County Crisis was also contacted regarding the welfare of the male. Crisis advised they would note the information provided.


8.4.20 at 2110

A 23-year-old Marshfield woman reported she was receiving unwanted emails and text messages from her ex-boyfriend, a 29-year-old Marshfield male. Contact was made with the woman and the content in the messages were reviewed. As a result, a stalking letter was issued to the 29-year-old male.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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