Police Reports: Hit-and-Run, Drug Busts, Local Fire Extinguished

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Jan. 26

A complainant reported that his trailer had been struck by a truck in the parking lot at Menards. Police contacted Menards staff to retrieve video of the incident. The video showed a black truck coming into contact with the trailer. Menards staff were able to get footage of the unknown male and reported driver of the vehicle. Investigation to continue.

Jan. 28

Staff at St. Vincent DePaul turned over some items of concern located in their lost and found. The items were logged into evidence until their owner is located. No further involvement.

Jan. 31

On the listed date and time Deputy Valiquette requested the Marshfield K9 Team to the listed location for a vehicle sniff of the listed vehicle which he had conducted a traffic stop on. K9 Steffi completed an exterior vehicle sniff on the vehicle and indicated to the odor of a controlled substance emitting from the vehicle. A vaporizer cartridge located within the vehicle was field tested and field tested positive for the presence of THC. Deputy Valiquette retained possession of the contraband.

A traffic stop was made and officers observed suspected marijuana in plain view. A search of the vehicle was later conducted and approximately an ounce of marijuana was located as well as drug paraphernalia. Charges were requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office on a 37-year-old male.

Feb. 1

A complainant was concerned for the welfare of a 24-year-old Marshfield female. The female had an outstanding DOC warrant and a Marshfield Bondable warrant. The female advised that she struggles with addiction and is currently pregnant. It was confirmed that the Wood County Jail would accept the female pending a medical clearance. The female was taken into custody and brought to the Marshfield Medical Center for medical clearance.

Feb. 2

A 47-year-old Marshfield man reported that the above listed vehicle was struck by an unknown vehicle. The passenger side mirror was damaged and no evidence was left from the striking vehicle. The parking lot was checked and no vehicle matched which would have caused the damage. Damage would be to Driver or Passenger side mirror on striking vehicle. Photographs were taken; damage to the struck vehicle is under the threshold for a state accident report.

Feb. 4

An officer was the first to arrive on scene after an 81-year-old Marshfield resident called and reported a fire at her residence. The officer retrieved his fire extinguisher and expelled it onto a fire that was on the exterior of the residence that appeared to be coming from an electrical outlet. Upon arrival the flames were approximately one and a half feet high but upon expelling the fire extinguisher the flames were knocked down until the fire department arrived and dismantled the area and deemed the fire extinguished.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk