Police Caution that Money Left Under Windshield Wiper Could Be Scam

money left under windshield wiper
recreation/not photo from actual incident

Officers Alert Public to Potential Vehicle Theft Scam

OnFocus – On Wednesday evening at approximately 5:45pm, a woman reported to Marshfield Police Department that $8 had been left under her windshield wiper while she shopped at Maurice’s. She was unsure of why the money was left there and the situation felt unusual, so she reported it.

According to Lt. Travis Sherdan, similar instances have occurred in other cities as part of a vehicle theft scam. The money is placed under the windshield by potential thieves. When the driver starts the car, notices the money, and steps out of their vehicle to retrieve the money, the thieves wait nearby to take control of the vehicle.

“We haven’t heard of anything like this in the area, but it might be a tactic,” said Sherdan.

If anyone else has experienced something similar, they are encouraged to contact Marshfield Police Department at 715-387-4394. Sherdan said this might just be a strange isolated incident, but as always it’s important to be vigilant when out and about.

“Be aware of your surroundings,” he said. “When things don’t seem right and seem too good to be true, be cautious.”

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Author: News Desk

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