Off-Trail Snowmobiles Can Cause Farmland Damage


Snowmobilers Encouraged to Stay on Trails

After a mild winter to start, snowmobile trails are open/opening throughout the state. For farmers, this may cause headaches as riders veer off the trails and onto their private property.

According to the Wisconsin DNR Snowmobile Regulations handbook, “It is illegal to operate a snowmobile on a private property without the owner’s or lessee’s consent. Landowners are not required to post signs on their property. The most common violation is cutting corners on trails crossing private property. Always follow the trail markers. Trespassing closes trails, creates hardships for clubs and HURTS EVERYONE.”

Auburndale Nite Owls Snowmobile Club shares why it’s important to stay on the trails:

“The Winter wheat lies dormant under the snow, however it continues to respire under the snow. What snowmobiles do is pack the snow around the plant, and, the snow turns into a block of dense ice. The plant can no longer breathe, basically choking it to death.
It’s why Farmers get a little angry on seeing Snowmobile tracks in their field.
Hope that helps give you an idea of the issues it causes and keeps everyone informed.”

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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