Melissa Barnes of Marshfield Utilities is United Way’s Employee Campaign Coordinator of the Year

Melissa, center, receives her recognition. Marshfield Area United Way/FB.

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Marshfield Area United Way is recognizing the support of local employees who take the time to organize campaigns on its behalf.

Melissa Barnes, Human Resources Manager at Marshfield Utilities, was selected as the 2018 Employee Campaign Coordinator of the Year.

“Because we are such a small staff (3), we rely greatly on these volunteers as part of our annual fundraising campaign,” said Ashley Winch, Communications Director. “We are so grateful for the time and effort she gives in support of United and our community.”

“I am thrilled to receive this award. Planning my company’s United Way campaign is always so much fun; every year I try to add one new creative activity,” said Barnes. “Being recognized for this effort is a true honor.”

Barnes has coordinated the United Way campaign at Marshfield Utilities since 2013 and served on committees to plan campaigns at previous companies she worked for. She also sits on the United Way allocations committee, which chooses how to direct funds from business campaigns.

Two staff members usually carry out the planning, but other employees are willing to pitch in and help with the main event, held later in the year. Last year, employees participated in guessing the number of pieces of candy in a jar for $1 a guess, a mystery poker hand for $5 with the highest hand splitting the raffle, a Green Bay Packer Football raffle, a blind auction of donated homemade items to the highest bidder, pie-a-manager, and chili cook-off.

Employees also have to option to make a donation to United Way, most commonly through payroll deductions.

To learn more about Marshfield Area United Way, visit

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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