Meet the Candidate for Alderman: David Peterson, District 7


Meet David Peterson, Candidate For District 7 Alderman

Your name: David Peterson

For which office are you running?: City Council Alderperson for District 7

Where are you from?: We have owned our house here in Marshfield for 8 years. I have lived in different parts of the upper mid-west but I grew up in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area.

Where are you employed?: I work for Cabinet Creations Plus in Marshfield.

Why did you decide to run for local office?: I have not been impressed with the current Alderman of district 7. I felt it was my duty, then, to try and be the change I would like to see.

Why do you think you would be a good choice for this office?: I am an honest, simple man who wants the best for the city. I think our country all the way down to the local level has moved to far from what our citizens want and I want to help those in the district feel heard.

What do you like to do in your free time? Please share a bit about your family, interests, hobbies: I am a father of 4 wonderful children and have been married for almost 20 years. We are avid outdoor people who love to camp, hunt and other outdoor activities year round. I am an Army veteran having served a tour in Afghanistan in 2008-2009.

News Desk
Author: News Desk