Marshfield Police Reminds Residents to Pay Parking Tickets


(OnFocus) The Marshfield Police Department is reminding residents to pay their parking tickets as soon as possible.

Failing to pay fines is costly, as all fines double if left unpaid after four business days. The Marshfield Police Department notifies the registered vehicle owner of any unpaid parking tickets.

“We strongly encourage you to pay your parking tickets in a timely manner. This will save you the $10 administrative fee, as well as the anxiety of going through the process of getting the registration suspension lifted,” the department stated. “Parking tickets will not go away just because they are being ignored — they just become more expensive and more work to resolve.”

Parking tickets were increased from $15 to $25 on January 1 of this year. The fine for parking against traffic flow is $30 and handicap parking violations are $150, the minimum required by the State of Wisconsin.

For unpaid parking tickets, the City of Marshfield can request that the Wisconsin Department of Transportation suspend vehicle registration and refuse the registration of other vehicles owned by the individual, who is then notified of the suspension and informed how to pay the fine. This will also result in a $10 administrative fee.

For any questions about parking tickets, contact Ordinance at 715-384-0814.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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