Marshfield Fire and Rescue Pays Tribute to Healthcare Workers, Schools


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Marshfield Fire and Rescue Department is showing its support for all healthcare workers who are putting in extra time and effort during the coronavirus pandemic.

The department arranged its vehicles in a heart shape on Wednesday to let those workers know they haven’t gone unnoticed. It’s another creative way the Hearts for Healthcare movement has taken off across the nation.

“Healthcare in general is always a stressful job and during a pandemic like this, the time the healthcare workers are putting into patient care, the amount of heart they’re pouring out in taking care of patients, and the amount of stress that’s out there, it just goes way up,” said Steve Bakos, EMS Deputy Chief. “The fire department has been lucky in that our community supports us, and we feel that support year-round. It’s really nice to show support for the healthcare community in a time of stress like this.”

The vehicles were arranged at the Marshfield High School community stadium, which saw its very first season just last fall. That way, the department could also pay tribute to the students, teachers, and coaches who are unable to participate in their normal school semester and sports activities this spring.

“Not only are we so appreciative of the healthcare workers, but the teachers and the coaches are just so appreciated for what they do and how they’re helping out through all this too,” said Firefighter Jeni Sadauskas.

Bakos said the fire department has been working hard during this time to train and prepare for coronavirus cases.

“We’ve been trying to acquire PPE just like everybody else, so our crews are ready and have the equipment they need to take care of patients,” he said. “They’re ready and they’re up for the task.”

Commercial Drone Pilot Branden Bodendorfer, CEO of OnFocus, captured the #heartsforHealthCare and compiled this video.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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