Marshfield Family Restaurant Reopening


Diner lovers, rejoice! Marshfield Family Restaurant is reopening its doors next Monday under new ownership.

Branda & Pedro Vieyra are taking over the long-beloved Marshfield staple just weeks after the former owners announced a sudden closure of the establishment.

“We’re gonna keep the same soups, Friday fish fry… Basically the menu is going to stay the same except for a couple of new additions and a couple of things taken out,” said Branda.

Pedro worked for the former owners, so has experience in the restaurant and a passion for keeping the Marshfield Restaurant tradition alive.

“We wanted to take this over because my husband had worked for the former owner [Skendi] before and liked working for him,” said Branda. “We want to take this business and go forward with it.”

Skendi is actually going to be assisting the couple, acting as Pedro’s mentor of sorts. After some “freshening up,” the couple plans to open next Monday, August 27.

“We just want to bring people back in here to remember what they love,” said Branda. “Come back, and have a good time!”

Hours will be Monday-Saturday 5:00am-9:00pm, Sunday 6:00am-9:00pm.

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Marshfield Family Restaurant Closes After 22 Years

News Desk
Author: News Desk