Marshfield Credit Union President Featured in National Magazine

david murphy
David Murphy/MMCCU (Photo by KluzB Photography)

MMCCU’s David Murphy Highlighted as Credit Union Rock Star

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union (MMCCU) President David Murphy has been named a Credit Union Magazine 2021 Credit Union Rock Star. Each year, Credit Union Magazine recognizes unique, innovative, and creative people in the credit union movement.

“It’s an honor to be recognized by my peers as a rock star within the industry. It’s easy to be wrapped up in the daily operations of serving our members and forget about the impact we make within the entire credit union industry in working with other professionals,” said Murphy.

Read the write-up here:

Murphy assumed the role of MMCCU President in May of this year. One of his goals is to strengthen membership, which includes anyone that works in the medical industry – whether it be a chiropractor, medical lab janitor, veterinarian, nurse, EMT, or doctor (to give a few examples).

“My goal as President at MMCCU is to not only develop/maintain a great knowledgeable staff in helping our members but to be a mentor to others within the industry, regardless if they are a competitor or if they operate in another part of the country,” he said. “I want to thank whomever nominated me for this honor, and I appreciate my efforts in making our industry stronger being recognized by peers.”

CU Rock Stars are recognized for their expertise, dedication, and passion, and will be featured in a digital campaign sponsored by Fiserv.

“Being recognized as a credit union rock star validates the work we are doing to best serve our members. The goal is not simply to be recognized but to put forth our best effort every day to serve our members to the best of our ability,” said Murphy. “These recognitions help confirm we are on the right track to succeeding as an organization.”

Learn more about the honor at Learn more about MMCCU at

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