Marshfield 4th of July Fireworks to Move Forward Without Extra Activities

Branden Bodendorfer

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Common Council voted in a special meeting Monday to move forward with the 4th of July celebrations without the additional activities.

The fireworks celebrations at the fairgrounds traditionally included activities such as food vendors, a DJ, and a bouncy house, which will not be part of the event this year due to social distancing recommendations during COVID-19.

“It’s my recommendation that we still have the fireworks display, we still allow individuals to park their vehicles in their normal parking areas, but we don’t allow individuals to gather in and around the grandstands,” said Casperson. “The public restrooms should be closed because we can’t sanitize them in the method that’s required by CDC guidelines.”

“I know there are lot of people that do enjoy the fireworks even when they don’t go out to the fairgrounds to enjoy these other additional amenities,” said Alderman Tom Witzel. “I think it’s a fine idea. It’s not ideal, we’d love to have the gatherings. We’d have loved to have Dairyfest this past weekend. In the current age I think that this is a good compromise.”

Alerman Ken Bargender raised a concern about not having the restrooms at the fairgrounds open during the fireworks, mentioning those who come hours in advance to get a good viewing spot.

“As the night wears on the cars are parked tight, sometimes you’re parked in,” he said. “Where are they going to take the children if they need to use the restroom?”

The Common Council amended the motion to keep fairgrounds restrooms open during the event.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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