MAPS and United Way Team Up to Help Families Feed Local Pets

pet food

Marshfield Area Pet Shelter and Marshfield Area United Way have partnered to help ensure local families can feed their pets in the midst of COVID-19 financial struggles.

“The United Way is sending out over 100 emergency food boxes/week and we asked them to include a slip explaining our free pet food pantry. So far, Prince and the Country Store have donated food for this,” said Karen Rau, MAPS Executive Director. “We are also asking people to drop off donations of cat and dog food between our front doors to make sure we have enough food for the folks that need it.”

“Karen called looking for a way to help those who might have animals but are needing some help with getting food for them,” said Ashley Winch, Executive Director at Marshfield Area United Way. “After talking with her we came up with an idea to insert information for MAPS into the emergency food boxes.”

Winch said the organization has had a few requests for help with pet food and her organization is happy to help.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we are all going on about life,” she said. “Our commitment to the community is to do what we can to make sure everyone has, at minimum, their basic needs met throughout this unprecedented time, and we are providing services in a way that help keep people safe and align with the Safer at Home order.”

“Just like any other crisis, we will get through this together,” added Holly Henschke, MAPS Medical Coordinator. “Our community has been so generous to us, and we would like to return the favor by inviting those in need to visit our free pet food pantry.”

MAPS keeps a table stocked in the front entryway at their 210 W 29th Street location with a variety of cat and dog food that anyone is free to take.

“No questions asked, and everyone is welcome,” said Henschke. “Our only request is that you only take what you need so that we can supply as many people as possible.”

Breanna Butler
Author: Breanna Butler

Breanna Butler is an award-winning multimedia producer born and raised in Central Wisconsin. She enjoys exploring and writing about the community. She lives in Marshfield with her husband and furry family.