Local Businesses Start Lifting Mask Mandates for Vaccinated Customers

stock image of Pick n'Save July 2020

OnFocus – On May 13, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released updated guidance that fully vaccinated people can participate in activities they did before the pandemic, including indoor and outdoor activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing.

The updated mask wearing guidance does not change the current CDC guidance for schools or healthcare, but businesses and others may continue to require masking upon entry regardless of vaccination status.

Locally, several businesses have begun to adjust their mask mandates to reflect this new guidance. Kroger (which owns Pick n’Save) announced that starting Thursday, May 20, vaccinated individuals will not need to wear a mask. At Kroger stores, fully vaccinated customers and most fully vaccinated associates will no longer be required to wear a mask in their facilities “unless otherwise required by state or local jurisdiction.”

Kroger says workers who are not fully vaccinated will be required to wear a mask and they ask that customers who are not fully vaccinated continue to wear a mask. Workers will be required to wear a mask in their pharmacy and clinic locations, according to Kroger.

Marshfield Area YMCA has also lifted its mask mandate for those using their facilities, if they are fully vaccinated.

“You will not be required to wear a face covering while in the YMCA. However, any fully vaccinated member, guest or staff may choose to continue wearing a face covering,” they said in an email to members.

Target, Wal-Mart, Kohl’s, and Walgreens also have similar policies.

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