Local Business Makes it Easy to Switch Phone Carriers


Marshfield (OnFocus) – Switching cell phone carriers is not the hassle that many expect it to be -especially when working with a local business that can help through the process.

“Most people think it’s going to be a big ordeal, but it’s really actually pretty simple,” said Jason Miller, owner at Northside Computers. “You do need account information from your current provider, but then we pretty much take it from there. You do not need to call your current provider and cancel things, as it’s all done at one time, automatically. In 99% of cases you simply port your number from your old carrier to your new one.”

Making the switch between carriers has become much easier in recent years, with the process being more automated and almost instant – which allows everything to be done in one shot.

“Content transfers between old and new phones has never been easier, so it’s a simple process normally to get all your pictures and information from one device to another,” said Miller. “Most of the devices duplicate your old phone to your new one, so everything pretty much looks the same when we’re all done!”

With many Americans seeking to save money, examining their current phone bill can be a good place to start.

“Typically we like to see people stop in and chat with us every six months or so,” said Miller. “The cell phone industry is very competitive, and most companies are constantly improving their calling plans. There are no contracts with US Cellular, so when new plans come out, and if they’re better than what was out before, it’s usually something you’d want to switch to.”

Northside strives to make the process as easy as possible, while working with each customer to ensure they are choosing the best plan for their needs.

“We will take the time to make sure you’re in the device and plan that fits your circumstances, and we’ll take care of getting your number and content transferred from your old device to your new one,” said Miller. “There are a lot of promotions and deals going on with all kinds of devices, it’s a lot to navigate and we’ll find the offer that best suits you.”

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Author: News Desk

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