June 27 Common Council Meeting Preview


Council Preview- What to Expect at Tuesday’s Meeting

With the City of Marshfield Common Council’s next meeting on Tuesday, June 27, City Administrator Steve Barg outlines what to expect. Previewing the agenda with him is WDLB’s Mike Warren, host of Council Preview on Marshfield Community Television (MCTV).


Expected Items for Discussion at Tuesday’s Meeting:

It’s going to be an action-packed night on Tuesday!

  • Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS) Official Request 
    • Four years ago, MAPS approached the City about a permanent facility for the shelter and there were indications at that time that the City was open to supporting the cause, with the Council informally committing $250,000 for MAPS.
    • The City has contributed $60,000 already to supply an hVAC system for the temporary shelter.
    • Bill Heiting and Karen Rau spoke at the June 13 meeting to the Council about the MAPS vision and asked for the rest of the assistance.
    • At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Council will decide whether to contribute $190,000 (the original $250,000 minus the $60,000 already given) to MAPS.
    • MAPS currently operates out of a temporary facility in the former airport terminal building, which is not a long-term option.  MAPS currently holds the contracts for both stray dogs and cats in the City.
  • Discussion regarding future location of the City’s Cable TV operation
    • Cable TV currently has two studios: one at West McMillan and one in the basement of City Hall (for government meeting live coverage). With the movement of City Hall to a new facility, there is potential for merging the two studios into one. This is the topic for discussion on Tuesday.
    • Options Include:
      • Addition to new City Hall (currently Forward Financial building)
      • City Hall basement remodel
      • Continue lease at McMillan
  • (Under Consent Agenda) Requests from YMCA for City Approval to Run a Group Daycare Center, and to Allow Parking Exceptions
    • A $16 million dollar upgrade and expansion is currently underway at the YMCA
    • YMCA would like exemption on some City codes, pertaining to number of parking stalls and to zoning standards
  • (Under Consent Agenda) Proposed Downtown Parking Permit Fees
    • Background: Recommendations have been adopted from the Downtown Parking Team.
    • Now requesting approval of pro-rated Parking Permit fees, adjusted to better encourage residents to purchase the annual permit.
  • Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan
    • The City does a new Comprehensive Plan every ten years, which is used as a long-term planning tool (More info here) and features important direction for the City.
News Desk
Author: News Desk