Improved Baseball and Softball Fields Part of District Sports Upgrades

Rettler Corporation rendering:

Proposed Marshfield School District Project Includes New and Improved Baseball/Softball Fields

Fundraising continues for improved sporting facilities in the Marshfield School District and as part of those upgrades, the project will include new fields being constructed for both baseball and softball. (See previous story for more information on Middle School renovations.)

Another aspect of the proposed upgrades are a baseball and softball field. The proposed multi-purpose field at the high school campus will displace the current baseball field located behind the high school. The overall plans will include a newly constructed baseball field on the Northwest corner of Becker and Palmetto. Construction will include: newly constructed field with drainage and irrigation, dugouts, press box, scoreboard and batting cages, at a cost of $1.46 Million. The field will be positioned to allow for additional green space to be developed for future curricular and athletic uses.

“The softball field will be the first varsity level softball field on school district property,” said Nathan DeLany, Athletic Director. “The field will be constructed on the Madison Elementary property across from the high school.”

This new field will be constructed similarly to the baseball facility with: field with drainage and irrigation, dugouts, press box, scoreboard, and batting cages. The position of this field will allow for additional green space for soccer and future expansion of a second softball field.

“These additions will greatly benefit our students and athletes,” said DeLany. “Having softball and baseball fields on campus will allow for our physical education classes to go outside and enhance our current curriculum. These on-campus facilities will reduce the amount of travel to or from practice at locations across town for our student-athletes.”

Not only will these fields benefit the schools, they will also be available for community use.

“The School District and City Parks/Planning have discussed the scope of our entire project and how it will positively impact our community,” said DeLany. “The project does not duplicate efforts, but enhances our community, offered facilities, and increases opportunities for use.”

Though Jack Hackman Field is one of the best overall facilities in Central Wisconsin, it is a shared space and is one of the last usable fields each spring due to the drainage system and natural marshy soils throughout town.

“One identified community need is usable practice space for baseball and softball for the different youth organizations, including the public and private schools,” said DeLany. “Like all district facilities, facilities are able to be reserved by community groups for nominal fees. Based on user feedback our hope is these new facilities, along with current city facilities, will create more flexibility, better conditioned facilities reducing the overuse, and positively impact the experience and skill development of the users.”

He added that though the district’s home field will continue to be Jack Hackman Field for the foreseeable future, the new field will provide a great a replica for practice, lower level games, and community use for longer periods of time due to its construction.

Donation information including legacy opportunities and pledge forms are available on the School District website – click here. Donations can also be made online through the Marshfield Area Community Foundation. All donations for the Marshfield Community Athletic Facilities are tax deductible.


School District Committed to Middle School Sports Facilities Upgrades


News Desk
Author: News Desk