How to Vote Absentee in Marshfield

absentee vote

How to Vote Absentee

The spring election has NOT been cancelled for April 7, 2020. The last day to vote absentee at City hall is Friday, April 3, 2020 at 5 p.m.

Eligible Wisconsin Voters who have a current and valid Wisconsin Driver License or Wisconsin State ID Card can now register completely online. If your name, date of birth, Wisconsin Driver License or State ID number, and address all match the information on file with the Wisconsin DMV, you will no longer need to mail or deliver your registration form.

If you do not have a current Wisconsin Driver License or Wisconsin State ID card, you will still be able to use MyVote to start your voter registration. You will be able to complete your registration form on this site, then you will then need to print, sign, and deliver your form to your municipal clerk or at the polls on Election Day along with a proof of residence document. Register to vote online, here.

Beginning Monday, March 23, 2020, in-person absentee voting will only be conducted between 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m, Monday through Friday, except for Friday, April 3, 2020 which is noon to 5 p.m. All in-person voting will take place in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Any registered elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may submit a request to vote an absentee ballot to their municipal clerk. Please read amended notice, here.

Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary: April 7, 2020
Special Election (7th Congressional District only): May 12, 2020
Partisan Primary: August 11, 2020
General and Presidential Election: November 3, 2020

Additional information regarding elections 2020:

The Wisconsin Voter Registration System is online to assist you in determining your current voter registration status. You can Register to vote; Find your polling location; Find out what’s on your ballot; Update your name and address; and request an Absentee Ballot.

Visit the MyVote website at:

Learn more at the City of Marshfield website.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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