How to Run for Local Office


December 1st was the first day for candidates to circulate nomination papers for the 2019 Spring election, which will be held on April 2, 2019. Interested candidates have until January 2nd, 5 p.m. to file nomination papers declaring candidacy and campaign registration statement for the spring election.

Up for re-election are even-numbered Aldermanic Districts (2,4,6,8,10): Nick Poeschel, Gordon Earll, Tom Witzel, Rebecca Spiros, Peter Hendler. These are 2-year terms.

Incumbents who are not seeking re-election will need to file a notification of Non-candidacy (EL-163) by 5 p.m. on December 21. So far, 4th District Alderman Earll has filed Non-candidacy.

Visit Marshfield City Clerk Deb Hall at 207 W. 6th Street (New City Hall) to fill out a Campaign Registration Statement and a Declaration of Candidacy. After these are returned, nomination papers are circulated and must be returned January 2. Between 20-40 signatures of district residents are required. It is recommended to acquire above the minimum in case a signer does not qualify.

If more than two candidates run for the same position, a spring primary will be held February 19, 2019.

Also up are two positions on the Marshfield Board of Education held by Amber Leifheit and Dale Yakaites. Interested candidates should stop by the office at 1010 E. 4th Street to fill out paperwork. No signatures are required. Leifheit has filed notice of Non-candidacy. The notification deadline for Non-candidacy is December 21. Terms are 3 years.

News Desk
Author: News Desk