Holiday Safety Tips from Marshfield Insurance

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The holidays means special insurance considerations, and Nick Arnoldy of Marshfield Insurance has it covered.

Are the holidays a busy time for claims at Marshfield Insurance?:

They can be! Claims are consistently inconsistent, meaning there isn’t a particular ‘season’ for them but wintertime provides some extra exposures or risks — the roads are icy, hunting season seems to make deer more active and with all the seasonal decorating we see some uniquely prepared lighting arrangements!

We want everyone to enjoy their holiday. So, homeowners and business owners who want to spend Christmas time celebrating and not stressing over ‘what-ifs,’ give us a call and we can answer some of the concerns you may be thinking about. We’ve experienced holiday and non-holiday related loss situations and have the knowledge to help prevent or deal with a situation should it arise.

What’s the number one insurance/safety issue you see locally during the holidays?

Slip and fall. With company coming over, make sure to have driveways and walkways cleared and salt or sanded if possible. Check your steps for slick areas as they’re sometimes hidden. Many of us have seniors visiting our house and don’t want a preventable injury to occur!

Most homeowners policies have “medical payments” coverage which pays for bodily injury regardless of negligence or fault. Limits are commonly 1k-10k.

Homeowner’s liability coverage is typically only accessed when your insurer is defending legal action against you (defense costs) or negligence is clear on the part of the homeowner.

I mention the differences between medical payments coverage and liability coverage because there’s been a tendency the last few years for health insurers to recoup funds they paid as a result of an injury on private or commercial property even if no negligence occurred. So, a resulting medical payments claim typically occurs from a slip and fall at a minimum.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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