Groundwater Guardians Celebrate Twenty Years


Marshfield Area Groundwater Guardians Celebrate Two Decades of Service

On March 24th at Hotel Marshfield, Groundwater Guardians for the Marshfield Area celebrated 20 years of local service to their community. The group first began in 1997 as a Leadership Marshfield project.

Groundwater Guardian designation is sponsored through the Groundwater Foundation in Lincoln, NE. Requirements to participate in the program include submittal of an annual entry form which includes plans for activities to promote protection of local groundwater resources. The Marshfield team has received Groundwater Guardian designation for 20 consecutive years.

Norb Salamonski

During those years, the group has led many activities including: Water Festivals in local elementary schools, two community Rain Gardens, Green Expos, Rx Round-Up Pharmaceutical Take-Back Program, and the Girl Scout Let’s Keep It Clean patch program. The Rx Round-Up program has been active for 10 years and has collected over 10,000 pounds of pharmaceuticals which are sorted and sent for proper destruction.

During the celebration, the group recognized several members for their outstanding work with the group:

  • Milladore Groundwater Guardian Team  – Groundwater Guardian Good Neighbor Award
  • Marshfield Police Department – Groundwater Guardian Partner Award
  • Norb Salamonski – Groundwater Guardian Volunteer Award
  • Jeff and Treva Tisdell – Groundwater Guardian Caring Couple Award
  • Marshfield Utilities – Groundwater Guardian Champion Award
  • Cathy Lotzer – Groundwater Guardian Leadership Award

    The Groundwater Guardian group is proud of the work they have accomplished. Group members say they plan to continue activities with the goal of educating their community about the importance of protecting and conserving the local groundwater resource which is so important to us all.

News Desk
Author: News Desk