Februrary 11 is ‘United Way 211 Day’ in Marshfield


February 11 Brings Awareness To United Way’s 211 Program

United Way—February 11th is the day that United Way’s all across the country recognize and bring awareness to United Way’s 211 program. Mayor Bob McManus is assisting Marshfield Area United Way this year with bringing awareness about the program to the community by officially proclaiming February 11, 2019, as “United Way’s 211 Day” in Marshfield.

2-1-1 is a free, confidential, and easy to remember phone number that connects people to essential community resources. In addition to connecting callers to local resources, United Way’s 211 also tracks caller needs and uses that information to analyze trends, such as, identifying gaps in services. Referral specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help with information and resources.

In celebration of 211 Day, there are several ways you can help create awareness about the 211 service as well:

• If you have a family member or friend who is having a difficult time, you can advocate for them and dial 2-1-1 to see what resources are available.
• If you are part of a non-profit organization, religious entity or government agency who provides health or human service programs to the public, contact 2-1-1 to be added to our database.
• You can call and request free 2-1-1 materials (posters, fact cards, magnets, etc.) and put them on display where you work or at your church.

For more information, contact United Way’s 211 by dialing the three digit number 2-1-1. Individuals can also find resources online at United Way’s 211 website at uwswac.org/2-1-1.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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